About USABeards.com
USAbeards.com was created as a result of a family conversation regarding the desire to create a premium "Top Shelf" all natural beard care products at reasonable prices. First task, create a high end premium beard oil at a low price. Simple, right?
So, as many bearded brothers before us have done, we bought a ton of bulk raw materials (which weren't exactly cheap) and started playing around with different mixtures/recipes. Yes, we thought were going to create the next best beard oil that everyone would want! However, in short order we came to the same realization as many others have which is this task isn't as easy and inexpensive as one might think. Yes, some of our the recipes were good , some bad, but neither great and/or inexpensive when we factored in the entire cost of raw materials purchased and the many creations that were only worthy of the trash. Does this sound familiar?
However, against all rational logic, we didn't give up... we doubled down! That is, we took a BIG step back. We did a ton of market R&D, reached out to numerous knowledgeable industrial experts (most of which wouldn't talk to us) and just as we were about to give up we got the call. The call was from a friend of a friend who referred us to an industrial insider in the know who happens to be a veteran formulation engineer. He worked with us hand-in-hand to develop all the proprietary blends for all of our beard care products. A process which has taken a great deal of time, money and effort but it's all been worth it! That is, persistence has paid off with the end result being that we have not only meet but exceeded our original goal of creating premium "Top Shelf" all natural beard care products at awesome prices!
Oh, I almost forgot to mention one more very important point - all of our products are manufactured right here in the USA in an FDA registered facility. We follow the strictest guidelines and comply with all regulatory requirements pertaining to our industry. Yes, we still manufacture our beard oils and balms in small batches to ensure quality and freshness but we do it the FDA approved and safe way. We don't cut corners, only the best for our customers.
That's all about us! Now we want to get to know you and hopefully become your Go-to beard care products supplier. So, do your beard a favor and place your order today! We guarantee you'll love our products!
USAbeards.com was created as a result of a family conversation regarding the desire to create a premium "Top Shelf" all natural beard care products at reasonable prices. First task, create a high end premium beard oil at a low price. Simple, right?
So, as many bearded brothers before us have done, we bought a ton of bulk raw materials (which weren't exactly cheap) and started playing around with different mixtures/recipes. Yes, we thought were going to create the next best beard oil that everyone would want! However, in short order we came to the same realization as many others have which is this task isn't as easy and inexpensive as one might think. Yes, some of our the recipes were good , some bad, but neither great and/or inexpensive when we factored in the entire cost of raw materials purchased and the many creations that were only worthy of the trash. Does this sound familiar?
However, against all rational logic, we didn't give up... we doubled down! That is, we took a BIG step back. We did a ton of market R&D, reached out to numerous knowledgeable industrial experts (most of which wouldn't talk to us) and just as we were about to give up we got the call. The call was from a friend of a friend who referred us to an industrial insider in the know who happens to be a veteran formulation engineer. He worked with us hand-in-hand to develop all the proprietary blends for all of our beard care products. A process which has taken a great deal of time, money and effort but it's all been worth it! That is, persistence has paid off with the end result being that we have not only meet but exceeded our original goal of creating premium "Top Shelf" all natural beard care products at awesome prices!
Oh, I almost forgot to mention one more very important point - all of our products are manufactured right here in the USA in an FDA registered facility. We follow the strictest guidelines and comply with all regulatory requirements pertaining to our industry. Yes, we still manufacture our beard oils and balms in small batches to ensure quality and freshness but we do it the FDA approved and safe way. We don't cut corners, only the best for our customers.
That's all about us! Now we want to get to know you and hopefully become your Go-to beard care products supplier. So, do your beard a favor and place your order today! We guarantee you'll love our products!